29 Sept 2012

Rokkaku Appliqué Workshop March 2013

Purple Dragon Sun Burst
Akuma Red - Pope Joan - Purple Dragon
Rok Fight

Venue: Cliddesden Village Hall
Hackwood Lane, Cliddesden, Hampshire, United Kingdom
When: 2nd & 3rd March 2013

Contact for more details:
Hayley & Roy
The Chapel, Farleigh Road,
Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hants, RG25 2JL.   07778 352825

Some (hopefully useful) information for the Workshop 2013.
As 2013 is the year of the snake (water) [also known as Serpent] I/we shall be using this as our theme.
(This is not a "must", own ideas are also welcome.)
Our goal is to build an appliquéed Rok fighter.

List of required material:

31-46 g/m²
1450 x 1040 mm at least 2 colours
(Includes material for a kite bag).
Carbon Fibre Tube
4 mm
2 x 1250 mm
1 x 1200 mm
1 x 1000 mm
End Caps
4 mm
Dacron Tape
50 mm
1500 mm
(Black only if using a black background,
otherwise white).
25 mm
580 mm
Dacron Line
65 kg
6000 mm
Velcro (Loop & Hook)
25 mm
50 mm
Metal eyelets
5 mm
Metal O-Ring
10 mm
Metal D-Ring
Swivel Clip
50 kg
(without the Ball Race)
Ribbon (Polyester)
10 mm
1220 mm


(I use a very strong wallpaper paste, one does have to be VERY careful using this, but it is good for large areas, your choice, also HT 2 Gütermann textile glue.)
Hot cutting tool

See Picture below.
Seam Cutter
Splicing needle

Sewing Machine etc.

Light Box/Table

Aquarelle Pencil

(I like to use yellow)


Here are just a few suggestions to help find ideas.
Maximum size 800 x 1000 mm.

Albeit, these are only suggestions
all ideas are welcome

Rokkaku Measurements...


My new templates
from David.....

How long does it take to make/build/create a Rokkaku??

Rokkaku 1st. cut out

Hot Cutting Tool for Appliqué

Rokkaku 2nd. cut out

Rokkaku 1st. sew

 Rokkaku Back cut

 Rokkaku Reinforcing cut

Rokkaku Finale

.....Ready to Rok'N'Roll

Side Pocket Details...

Guy's Rokkaku Snake Eye...

Dave's Rokkaku Drachen Drachen

Fantastic effort by all....


  1. Hi Christian,

    Is there a minimum size of light box that makes this project 'do able'? For instance, If I was able to get an old kitchen unit draw and fit it with a light and glass?

    I guess I might be able to answer my own question by observation and saying that it needs to be larger than the largest piece of applique used to complete the pattern. Is this so? Of course the larger the better?

    Colin J

  2. Hi Colin,

    ...of course, the larger the better, my light table has a piece of glass 1250 x 520 mm, so not larger than the largest piece of appliqué. The light table/box also has to be transportable....

    ....so how about a window pane, on two trestles, with a light underneath it ?


  3. Hi Colin,
    I'm using a lightbox 1080mm x 770mm (thank you Alan and Anne for the glass) this is almost perfect for Christians Rok.

  4. Hi Folks...
    if you have problems putting up a comment with one of the account types...please use your Name.

    Thanks, Christian

  5. Can you give some clearer kite dimensions please as the current picture is not dark enough

    Thanks Don

  6. Just finishing a "Handout" for the workshop Don, including the measurements as a downloadable *.pdf.

